
We are all being asked to adapt our lives significantly at the moment and while for some people this change will be more of an inconvenience than something that causes them distress, for some it will be incredibly distressing.  However these changes are affecting you, we all need to make sure that we are staying aware of our own mental well being and taking steps to stay health wherever possible.  

Make sure that as your ordinary routines change that you are building time in the new patterns for relaxation and the process of taking care of you.  Whether that is through your daily exercise, painting your nails, building a bookcase, listening to music or taking a long bath, consciously make time for the things that make you feel good and give you space to decompress. 
Key points
  • Make sure you speak to people regularly about how you are feeling and coping with the changes
  • Take time to think about strategies and activities that will help you to cope with the changes and help keep you mentally healthy
  • Pay attention to the things that help keep
  • your self esteem high, you may not be going out but still take time to get dressed and complete the personal grooming you would usually do. 
  • Think about taking up a new hobby or reaching out to a new group that you can get involved in

Links for more information

Stress Control

People of Lanarkshire can take advantage of a free online stress control resource that provides advice and support and helps deal with anxiety and stress during these challenging times. http://stresscontrol.org

Mind, self care 

Introduction to the subject of self care and things to think about when considering how to implement it

Chatter Pack

Free resources to help tackle boredom at home during the COVID Outbreak

Mental Health Foundation 

Advice on looking after your mental health while having to stay at home during COVID-19
