4.1 National Support Partners
Start up support
Just Enterprise - Just Enterprise is a consortium of Scotland’s key social enterprise support agencies. Collectively, we are able to provide expert Start Up, Business Support, Business Recovery, Procurement, Leadership and Learning Services, to third sector organisations in Scotland.
Social Enterprise Academy – SEA work at local and national levels, providing training opportunities at all stages of Social Enterprise Development.
CEMVO - CEMVO provide support to Scotland’s ethnic minority voluntary sector and its communities, building capacity and skills in organisations and working strategically to raise the profile of and create opportunities for the sector.
Senscot Legal - Senscot Legal offers a range of affordable, accessible, approachable legal advice services to social enterprises and the wider third sector. We have a strong commitment to supporting social enterprise in all legal aspects with a view to broadening and strengthening the social enterprise community in Scotland.
Partnership working and Procurement Support
Supplier Development Programme (Procurement) SDP can provide support Scottish SME’s and 3rd sector organisations interested in working with the public sector to improve skills for tendering for work. SDP offer free expert training, support and information to help organisations become tender ready.
Co-Operative Development Scotland (Consortium Development) CDS support company growth in Scotland through co-ownership and collaborative business models.
Funding and Investment
First Port FirstPort can provide free business advice, training and access to template to support the start-up of a Social Enterprise. FirstPort also administer ‘Start It’ and ‘Build It’ grant funding for new Social Enterprises.
Social Investment Scotland - Social Investment Scotland (SIS) is the largest not for profit provider of business loans to the third sector in Scotland as well as being a social enterprise and registered charity.
Membership Organisations
Social Enterprise Scotland Social Enterprise Scotland is The Voice of Social Enterprise - uniting social enterprises and their supporters into a strong campaigning force.
Senscot - Senscot builds and facilitated themed and geographical networks to help social entrepreneurs to make connections and develop and grow.